Like a Chicken…

As a homeschooling mama, do you ever feel as if you are running around constantly but not really accomplishing much of anything?  When I feel like that, I call myself a chicken running around with my head cut off.  My to do list causes this feeling quite often, and a couple of weeks ago I…

Summer's End

Summer’s End

Goodbye to summer Summer is my favorite time of year.  I love the warm weather, the sunshine, the long afternoons by the pool.  As soon as the weather gets to be above 70 degrees, I am outside in it.  But, inevitably, the summers pass by way too quickly, and every year the summer’s end stares…

A Tribute to my grandfather

A Tribute

For this Memorial Day, I wanted to write a tribute to my grandfather.  He was born on July 4, 1920 and died of a heart attack on October 20, 1990.  To me, he was my hero, but I regret that I never really got to know who he was.  The two things that I remember…